July 1, 2009 journal, California declares a state of emergency as 12 other states follow close behind. Could it be that the Lord God Almighty is cleaning out the corrupt places in this country and world? The governor of South Carolina remains at the top of the news second only to the great Michael Jackson in whom they are calling the Prince of Hope at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. They are looking for a place large enough to hold in Los Angeles a memorial service for Jackson. Governor Sanford is being called a hypocrite and that he is of course but his replacement is said to be a homosexual and they have no scruples whatsoever about switching partners and exotic procedures in their sex orgies. The homo community is being imposed and there is no moral rules whatsoever in their world. The only limit on the perverted sexual world is the rule of the Aids fatal disease. Hypocrisy is the order of the day for most politicians one-way or the other either lying or sexual escapades which the church is quick to endorse so long as is righteous Republican. I should say self-righteous Republican. With Coleman's loss in Minnesota the Republican Party is out of control of Congress thanks to the bush wars and their careless moral lives. Governor Sanford has made it clear to the press he wants to keep up seeing his mistress. There is hardly any modern politician clean and free of corruption in some form or other. What seems so important to a mother of 4 does not seem important to the mistress at all. Ariel Sharon of Israel is quoted as saying on radio October 3, 2001 "The Jewish people control America". What about him saying this on the heels of the attack upon America. The Zionist in control that will not let the former administration be prosecuted for torture. I'm certainly not defending Governor Sanford but Father Abraham did a very similar act. Mitt Romney I think should be called in on this one since the Mormons have a history of polygamy after all he is about the only Republican still standing so he should be involved. Homos disappear whenever they want to get together and nobody asked any questions. It seems they always have multi partners just like animals do it yet we have adopted them. Only God can separate out evil from the earth as the Bible says at harvesttime cast in fire. The 15 million (5%) unemployed actually reported as 10% which would be 30 million is more like 50 million unemployed with another half million in June & the stimulus money has not helped a bit. A hand tool Garden Show brought out 20,000 people reportedly. We may be seeing the return of the mule to plant a garden and grow our own vegetables. Most of the real collapse of America is not being reported, its just happening all around. It seems the collapse of America is mysterious with things that should be good turn bad. People are not even repairing their cars in these troubled financial times and confusion. The airlines have raised their rates on travel therefore they will be shutting down sooner. It takes a while for the wirlwind to bring all things down in this tailspin of this economy. The collapse of state & local services will come suddenly while they frantically increase your taxes until it is all silent. If you still have a house to live in then grow vegetables on the rooftop if necessary. Save water in large quantities is my opinion to all the people. Prepare for a major total breakdown of the infrastructure to live without transportation. There will be no need for gasoline when there is no place to go. Let us think differently. There is no need for money when there is nothing to buy. Survival is only importance. Shed away the things you do not need and have a giving heart toward your neighbors. Turn off the bad news television and newspapers, began to read the Bible prophecies. Stop depending on government and began to depend on the Lord God Almighty 100%. The day of the Lord is at hand and we must know His name and live by his principles.